
I have included a list of resources that I have found beneficial in developing my approach to therapy. I have also included several community resources available to you.

  • First Responders

    Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement, A guideline for Officers and Their Families - Kevin M. Gilmartin, PhD

    I love a Cop - Ellen Kirschman

    I love a Firefighter - Ellen Kirschman

    Surviving Retirement - Medina Baumgart, PsyD, ABPP


    Getting Past Your Past - Francine Shapiro, PhD

    Ambiguous Loss - Pauline Boss

    Waking The Tiger: Healing Trauma - Peter Levine


    Attached : The New Science of Adult Attachment and How it Can Help You Find - And Keep - Love. - Amir Levine

    Family & Transmission Process

    It Didn’t Start with You - Mark Wolynn


    Finding Meaning: The Sixth Step of Grief. - David Kessler

    It’s Okay that You’re Not Okay - Megan Devine

    What’s Your Grief - Haley & Williams


    No Bad Parts - Richard Schwartz, PhD

    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson

  • Invisible Wounds Project - Mental and physical wellness resource for first responders and their families.

    The Overwatch Collective - Podcast and Mental health resources for first responders and their supports

    I am creating a list that will be valuable to you to utilize. Please check back.