Trauma can be broken down into 3 parts - the event, the experience of the event, and the effect. This is why each person experiences and processes the same event differently. Our own personal resilience, support systems, and coping mechanisms influence our ability to process and grow from our experiences.

Are others nagging you about being distant or not interested? Have people started commenting on you always being negative? Have you started drinking more? Do you dread going home or to work? Are you avoiding sleep?

My goal is to reduce your problematic symptoms such as sleep problems, addiction issues, and relational issues that may be a result of your lived experiences. It’s crucial to acknowledge that trauma can stem from any experience, expected or unexpected, or a cumulation of experiences.

Trauma and PTSD require a multi-facilitated approach that engages a person’s brain, mind, and body. Therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and other trauma-focused psychological interventions are effective.

Remember, it’s okay to seek help and it’s okay to talk about it. Healing is possible and there’s no set timeline for recovery. Everyone’s journey is unique.

Trauma & PTSD

  • PTSD symptoms are grouped into four clusters. You may not exhibit all the symptoms, but you do need to have some symptoms in all categories to be diagnosed with PTSD.

    Intrusive Thoughts:

    Unwanted, repeated, and distressing memories of a traumatic event

    Repeated, disturbing dreams about the traumatic event

    Flashbacks; suddenly feeling as if you were re-experiencing the traumatic event.

    Feeling emotionally or physically distressed when something reminds you of a traumatic event


    Avoiding feelings, thoughts, and memories of a traumatic event

    Avoiding places, people, activities, situations, and/or objects that remind you of a traumatic event

    Negative Changes in Thoughts and Moods:

    Difficulty remembering significant parts of a traumatic event

    Strong negative beliefs about yourself or other people; negative changes to your worldview

    Blaming yourself or others for the traumatic event and its aftermath

    Experiencing negative emotions such as guilt, fear, horror, anger, and/or shame

    Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed

    Feeling detached from other people, including family, friends, and co-workers

    Difficulty experiencing positive emotions

    Arousal - Changes in Physical and Emotional Reactions:

    Irritable behavior, angry outbursts, and/or acting aggressively

    Risky or self-destructive behaviour such as driving too fast, drinking too much, not wearing safety equipment properly

    Hypervigilant; always watchful or on guard

    Easily startled or frightened; feeling jumpy

    Difficulty concentrating or focusing

    Difficulty falling and/or staying asleep